How to Make Organic Pepper Spray for Plants

Organic pest repellants help keep insects and other pests from your garden without covering your plants in toxic substances. While you may purchase organic pepper sprays to get plants, it is also possible to create your own. You control the concentration of capsicum from the formulation to target specific pests or supply an overall deterrent for many intruders. A good formula for pepper spray provides your plants safety from both insects and animals.

Remove the skins from two onions and two garlic bulbs. Put the onions, garlic and two cayenne peppers to the blender container. Pour 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the container and then puree the ingredients. You may use habanero or other incredibly hot peppers instead of the cayenne peppers.

Stir 2 tablespoons natural liquid soap to the puree. Be careful when stirring, as the hot pepper mixture can irritate your skin and eyes. Pour the puree into a glass container and seal it with a lid. Store the puree for at least 12 hours in the fridge to enhance the potency of the capsicum from the peppers and the oils of the garlic and onions.

Add 1 gallon of clean water into the puree and mix thoroughly. Strain the mixture through a clean piece of cheesecloth and pour it into a spray bottle. Label the bottle with the date and store it in the refrigerator no longer than one week.

Spray the garden plants until the organic pepper spray solution is dripping in the leaves. Repeat as required to remove unwanted pests.

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