Over 4,000 species of cockroaches exist in the world today with 57 of these found in the United States, many of which make their home with human beings. They are hardy and will live up to a year. In her lifetime, a female will lay a few egg instances of 30 to 50 eggs each. Cockroaches are also travelers, covering many miles in 1 day often carrying their eggs with them. Because they are often found in and around homes, there’s often some concern as to whether or not sprays used to control roaches are damaging to plants.
Do Roach Sprays Kill Plants?
Some commercial roach sprays available on the market are regarded as safe for crops. However, plants should not be sprayed excessively with chemical sprays. Attempt to get most of the spray on the roach instead of the plant, rather than spray a plant you intend to eat. Sprays containing boric acid should not be used on crops in any way. Safer natural sprays can be found and must be considered when spraying roaches on crops.
Other Controls for Roaches
In addition to the common roach sprays available on the current market, quite a few natural controls exist that are safer to the environment in general. Borax is one such controller. Sprinkle borax in areas that you think cockroaches could be hiding. Keep in mind though that borax should not be ingested by animals or humans even though it is a naturally occurring substance. Employing various oils has also proven to be effective against roaches. Coconut oil coats and suffocates them. Garlic, melaleuca and peppermint oils may kill roaches, while citronella will repel them. Add 4 to 5 drops of oil per gallon of water, adjusting the concentration if needed. For garlic oil, use 1 oz per gallon of water.